Status: Live
Nearpod begins with the development of a PowerPoint presentation that will be the content presentation slides for your lesson. If you use another presentation program, as long as you can save that presentation as a PDF, that is fine. Actually, you can save your PowerPoint as a PDF too if you would like. Occasionally, the font changes when you upload a PowerPoint into Nearpod which can cause problems with your formatting. If that occurs, then save it as a PDF. For this assignment, I am asking you to submit your PowerPoint presentation for my review and feedback. This way it can be improved (if needed) before you upload it to your Nearpod program to “nearpodize” it (i.e., add the Nearpod components such as videos, hyperlinks to the internet, polls, quizzes, etc.).
Date Posted: 16/10/2024
Category: Education
Due Date: 19/10/2024
Willing to Pay: $15.00
Lesson Content Area: The lesson needs to be an original lesson (not one downloaded from the internet) and can be of the subject area of your choice as long as it is appropriate for students from grades K-12 Powerpoint Component Requirements: Your Powerpoint must include the following Cover Page and Objectives Page: The first page of your presentation MUST be a cover page that includes the lesson title, grade level, and your name. An image(s) would be nice but is not required. The 2nd page must include 2-4 specific lesson objectives (e.g., Identify the 3 branches of the government, Identify the members of the executive branch, etc.) Content Presentation Slides: You must include a minimum of 8 presentation slides, in addition to your cover page and objectives page. Do not include activities of these slides; they will be done in Nearpod Do not include hyperlinks or videos on these slides; they will be done in Nearpod PowerPoint Slide Development Guidelines All Slides Guidelines: PowerPoint or other program presentation slides are meant to have key points on them only. They are not meant to be a lesson script. Also, keep in mind that they need to be visible to students. To that end, please follow these general guidelines. Font Size: Font size should be a minimum of 18-24 point font Key Content Included: Because you are able to upload Nearpod as a homework assignment for students to view independently, be sure to include the key content of the lesson on the PowerPoint. Opportunities for active responses will be built into your lesson once you upload it to Nearpod. Key Content Line Length: As a rule of thumb, no not make bulleted key points more than 2 lines long. The exception would be if you have a quote that you want on a slide Do not use all Caps: Use caps only when you are supposed to such as at the beginning of sentences or proper nouns. Exceptions can be made for titles on slides, but only if the titles are short. Actually it is better not to use all caps at all. All caps are hard to read. Images: Include images when you can. Be sure that they are relevant and that they link to the content.
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Rated 9.09 earned 173359.89 around 5388 assignments.
Rated 9.42 earned 60848.27 around 1813 assignments.
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Rated 10.0 earned 804.09 around 35 assignments.
Rated 9.35 earned 20635.33 around 549 assignments.
Rated 9.4 earned 51419.07 around 1413 assignments.
Rated 9.53 earned 51259.62 around 1667 assignments.
Rated 9.34 earned 15687.00 around 547 assignments.
Rated 9.65 earned 7016.80 around 215 assignments.
Rated 9.51 earned 22575.94 around 757 assignments.
Rated 9.22 earned 73206.62 around 2105 assignments.
Rated 9.29 earned 11083.94 around 304 assignments.
Rated 9.12 earned 2053.00 around 95 assignments.
Rated 9.44 earned 10231.65 around 281 assignments.
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Rated 8.81 earned 69135.52 around 2091 assignments.
Rated 9.55 earned 14578.99 around 451 assignments.
Rated 9.46 earned 23513.53 around 727 assignments.
Rated 9.33 earned 22037.35 around 704 assignments.
Rated 9.69 earned 31844.77 around 721 assignments.
Rated 9.57 earned 37735.19 around 1272 assignments.
Rated 9.59 earned 12256.45 around 444 assignments.
Rated 9.58 earned 74764.76 around 2667 assignments.
Rated 9.45 earned 47595.35 around 1453 assignments.
Rated 9.62 earned 32890.70 around 875 assignments.
Rated 9.79 earned 53147.36 around 1330 assignments.
Rated 9.62 earned 31977.15 around 981 assignments.
Rated 9.56 earned 19994.48 around 623 assignments.
Rated 8.93 earned 38046.43 around 1154 assignments.
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Rated 8.95 earned 80085.08 around 2476 assignments.
Rated 9.02 earned 4274.37 around 168 assignments.
Rated 9.58 earned 36354.18 around 1199 assignments.
Rated 9.68 earned 35280.68 around 1186 assignments.
Rated 9.89 earned 11354.57 around 402 assignments.
Rated 9.6 earned 43535.86 around 1497 assignments.
Rated 9.31 earned 72793.87 around 2732 assignments.
Rated 9.75 earned 45579.67 around 1645 assignments.