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Your midterm paper will examine the failure a major US company who has gone out of business, declared bankruptcy, or significantly restructured its operations in the past 20 years. Write about BLOCKBUSTER
Date Posted: 18/09/2024
Category: Business
Due Date: 26/09/2024
Willing to Pay: $35.00
I claim Blockbuster for my midterm research paper. Blockbuster, once a household name in video rentals, saw a rapid decline largely due to its failure to adapt to technological shifts and changing consumer behaviors. Although Netflix is often credited with Blockbuster’s downfall, the company also faced issues like mounting debt, ineffective leadership, and a reluctance to innovate. Blockbuster's failure to foresee the importance of online streaming and its heavy investment in physical stores made it vulnerable to technological disruption. In my view, Blockbuster's collapse stemmed from a combination of poor strategic choices and underestimating the speed at which consumer preferences were shifting towards digital platforms. The company had opportunities to innovate, including the chance to acquire Netflix, but missed these due to a commitment to its existing business model. Studies and business analyses suggest that these strategic oversights were crucial factors in Blockbuster's decline and eventual bankruptcy. Some potential resource sources are: https://hbr.org/2013/11/blockbuster-becomes-a-casualty-of-big-bang-disruptionLinks to an external site. https://inspireip.com/blockbuster-failure-story/Links to an external site. https://www.businessinsider.com/rise-and-fall-of-blockbusterLinks to an external site.
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