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Humanities ANTIGONE purpose paper
Date Posted: 02/07/2024
Category: General
Due Date: 03/07/2024
Willing to Pay: $15.00
This is your second in a series of three purpose papers, and there are several take-aways from your 1st purpose paper to share with you. This is the most formal of your writing assignments. Think five paragraph research paper from your 2 prerequisite courses in composition. 1. That means no 1st or 2nd person pronouns. Your personal opinion should be in the form of a declarative sentence. Instead of "I think that ANTIGONE is a tragedy", state that idea in a declarative sentence, such as "ANTIGONE is a good example of tragic drama", or "ANTIGONE exemplifies three important elements of tragic drama", or whatever. This thesis statement is part of the introduction. 2. The developing paragraphs will support you point with explanation, examples from the play, and/or research material. 3. The conclusion is a brief summary of the paper, without introducing new material or arguments. (Points 1-3 are reminders that some of you do not need, but were missing in over half the submissions in Purpose Paper #1. Organization in a formal paper is very important. ) 4. PROOFREAD!!!!! Errors in grammar happen, but when they continue, it means that (a) the writing is sloppy and needs to be cleaned up, or (b) you need tutorial help from the Writing Center, through our campus. Either way, let's go something about it. TITLES MUST BE ITALICIZED OR CAPITALIZED. 5. Content remains important. Remember that your ideas deserve a well-written showcase. For this paper: 1 The length should be 750 - 1250 words. 2. The Rubric is attached. 3. Select one of the following themes as the theme for your paper. Remember, a thesis statement some part of your theme/idea with an opinion attached that you will need to "prove". Select one of the following themes for your paper. 1. ANTIGONE as a religious experience 2. The role of women in ANTIGONE 3. The role of eternal law vs man's law 4. ANTIGONE and dramatic literature 5. ANTIGONE and Greek philosophy 6, (your choice)
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