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strategic management [expert only] please make it look A ! asap I need ppt slides and speaker note
Date Posted: 14/12/2022
Category: Other
Due Date: 15/12/2022
Willing to Pay: $15.00
You will have six case analysis sessions as a group. You will answer the practice questions you can find at the end of each textbook chapter except the Stone Finch case. You should apply theories and concepts that you have learned from the previous lectures as much as possible. Volunteers are to present the result of the analyses at the end of the sessions. Five teams will present in each session. Each team can present up to 3 times throughout the course. The number is subject to change according to the number of students. More detailed instructions will be provided later in the class. 1. ppt is class note 2. pictures are case study reading I need to make ppt and write contents on the word doc can you fill in the last two ppt slides? and then write two pages of explanation to the questions? the questions are also found on the last page of case study reading. ***********I need to create in ppt slide and write speaker note.
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