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Creating the social studies classroom lesson plan
Date Posted: 15/08/2022
Category: Science
Due Date: 15/08/2022
Willing to Pay: $15.00
Assignment: Part I. Read the Introduction and Chapter 1. Based on the readings please answer this question in the "Professional Responsibilities" section in the lesson plan. How will this information from the text help you become a highly effective teacher of social studies? Part II. The teacher candidate will complete a lesson plan using the template below: (do not do the UDL part just for this lesson plan). Please use the website below to get ideas: https://www.teacher.org/lesson-plans/social-studies/ RCOE Lesson Plan Template.pdf Pick 2 Florida Social Studies Standards. https://www.cpalms.org (Links to an external site.) Pick Grade, Subject, Topic Objective (1 Lower Bloom’s) Learning Goal of Lesson (SWBAT) Learning Verification (I Can Statement) Mini Lesson Assessment (1) in your mini lesson Professional Responsibility- above question (Links to an external siteObjective (1 Lower Bloom’s) Instructional Strategies- please provide (1) Differentiated Instruction- please provide (1) Presenting the Stimulus- body of your lesson plan Assessment- please provide (1) from Presenting the stimulus Below are links for the Instructional Strategies and Differentiated Instruction: Instructional Strategies https://www.washoeschools.net/cms/lib/NV01912265/Centricity/Domain/228/Instructional%20Strategies%20List%20July%202015.pdf (Links to an external site.) Differentiated Instruction https://www.prodigygame.com/main-en/blog/differentiated-instruction-strategies-examples-download/
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