Visit HomeworkForYou and post the homework assignment you want help with.
Wait for bids to come in (you'll get emails as they come). When you see a reasonable bid from someone that looks legit, Click to accept the bid. You can then communicate with each other to ask questions or clarify what needs to be done.
When the person has finished your homework help, look at their results. If you're happy with them, click to complete the project and they'll receive your money. Don't forget to send them positive feedback if you're happy with them! If you're unhappy with them, try to communicate and resolve the issue. If you cannot come to a resolution, contact us to file a dispute and we'll do our best to make sure the right thing happens.
Search for homework at the top of the page or browse through all projects to find homework you would do well completing. When you think you've found a project, offer a bid of how much money you'd take to complete the assignment and when you can have it done. Be sure that what you offer is something you can really commit to! Also be aware that people are more likely to accept bids from people with lots of positive feedback.
When your bid gets accepted, you'll get an email notifying you that the clock has started! Make sure to complete the homework by the deadline requested in order to ensure you get paid and get positive feedback from the person that is paying you.
Once you've completed the work and the other person has reviewed and approved it, it will be deposited into your HomeWorkForYou account minus a 25% charge (Hosting + Advertisement + Development cost is expensive!). You can request for a withdrawal by clicking on the "Cash" button on the left navigation bar, and enter the amount you with to withdraw.