Date: 24/05/2016
Feedback Given By: Mshayel
Feedback Comment:
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: HavardGraduateWriter
Total payment made for this project was: $40.00
Project Summary: I need someone to write this final paper for me for a Philosophy class and to make sure to follow these guidelines carefully: 1. All written assignments are to be typed and double-spaced. Please use Times Roman font 12. 2. Number all pages. 3. Please use a title page. No binders, folders, etc. 4. One inch margins all around. 5. The first paragraph should contain a thesis statement and the outline of your paper. Do not delay this until later paragraphs. The thesis statement should contain a description of the topic you are examining, and how you will examine it. You should also make some statement about why your topic is important, or why anyone should read your paper. 6. The body of your paper should present the substance of your argument. In longer research papers you should always include a review of the relevant literature. 7. The conclusion should bring together the various parts of the paper and lead to your final analysis or judgment about the question. Please indicate whether your research has left important questions unanswered, or where future research might begin. 8. Do not cite a dictionary to define terms. The purpose of this class is to learn to conceptualize terms. 9. Become accustomed to using a style manual. I prefer that you use the American Political Science Review style of embedded citations. You should refer to a recent issue of the APSR. For unusual style or formatting questions please use the Chicago Manual of Style. In short, use any style, but be consistent. 10. Always include a bibliography. If you cite the Internet make sure your citation conforms to the proper style. In conducting your research please use scholarly, peer reviewed journals. There is simply a lot of junk on the internet and you should not get into the habit of citing large numbers of unreviewed sources. Please use the search engines provided by the library. 11. I recommend that for longer papers you make use of headings and subheadings in order to demarcate different sections of your paper. The use of this procedure will help you outline your work. 12. Do not double space twice between paragraphs. 13. Pencil or ink corrections are not acceptable. 16. Avoid slang and popular colloquialisms. Develop the habit of using a Thesaurus. 17. Employ the services of the University Writing Lab. 18. Writing is revision. Never, never, never submit your first draft. 19. Wikipedia is not an academic source. 20. Pay very close attention to attribution. If an idea is not exclusively yours you must cite a source. 21. Avoid using the passive voice. 22. Verbs have to agree with subjects. 23. Do not end a sentence with a preposition. 24. Avoid trendy locutions. 25. Never use a metaphor, simile or other figure of speech that you are used to seeing in print. Particularly, all of the tired sports metaphors. 26. Try to use substitutes for dead words. For example, rather than he said perhaps consider pointed out, exclaimed, remarked. Again, a thesaurus should be your best friend when you are writing. 27. Remember, these are meant to be formal papers and thus should be prepared with care.