Date: 05/10/2016
Feedback Given By: User_8638
Feedback Comment: He did a terrible job. Much plagiarism. Poor grammar. Not worth my $40. I am having to redo assignment right now.
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: ESSAYSTAR
Total payment made for this project was: $40.00
Project Summary: ESSAYSTARTER Math Project.. I need someone to write a paper and make a presentation on sierpinskis triangle. You need to make a powerpoint presentation. This needs to be enough to cover 10-15 minutes worth of information. You can finish this at a later time, due by May 5th. I need a written report of the information by Wednesday (4/20). This needs to cover a summary of the topic, a set of problems related to the topic with solutions, as well as a work cited. There is no word count, but it needs to be 1.5-3 pages long. No plagiarism. I will release payment after the entire project is given to me.