Project Summary: Consider your favorite television show is CSI the original series (season 1). If possible, tape/DVR an episode and watch it at least two times. Analyze this show using a genre analysis, considering the following: format and medium, subject matter, setting and location, narrative pattern, character types, plots, and iconography. What genre would you place this show into? Why? Is the genre gendered? How do you know? Who is the implied viewer of this show? What cultural competencies, generic competences and/or serial competencies would a viewer need to enjoy this show? Who are we asked to identify with? How do you know? Does this show have cultural and generic verisimilitude? Does it try to engage current social issues? If so, how? Why do you think this show is your favorite? 4 pages fully developing your argument with 3 quotations from the chapter in the attachment. no outside quotations MLA Format And anything you need to know about the GENERE ANALYSIS, GENERIC COMPETENCES, SERIAL COMPETENCIES, CULTURAL VERISIMILITUDE, AND GENERIC VERISIMILITUDE ARE ALL IN THE ATTACHMENTS THAT I UPLOADED