Date: 28/04/2016
Feedback Given By: User_9140
Feedback Comment: assignment not done correctly but he did agree to do another assignment for free
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: ESSAYSTAR
Total payment made for this project was: $30.00
Project Summary: For ESSAYSTAR The purpose of this assignment is to allow teacher educator candidates to reflect, explore, and dialogue with the university instructor concerning topics and issues discussed in class or as these issues relate to the experiences of the student. A two to three page typed reflection paper with a complete APA citation of the book is required. Students should consider the following format for each entry in the written response but are not limited to this: Examine the association between themes from Go Tell a Watchman and the perspective and practice in community and public health. Personally react by comparing and contrasting this information; what implications would these themes have for public health practice? NOTE: Make sure that your summary of the book does not exceed approximately 1/2 of a page. The rest of the assignment should reflect your comprehension of the book but, most importantly, its application to the course content.