Date: 04/05/2016
Feedback Given By: User_7780
Feedback Comment:
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: committedwriter
Total payment made for this project was: $15.00
Project Summary: Hi all! This assignment for my negotiation class. read four pages and answer three questions. I did the negotiation with my classmate, and I uploaded the agreements that we reached. 1.) What were your goals in the negotiation? Did you achieve them? 2.) What approaches or tactics did you use to attain these goals? 3.) Briefly, describe your experience in such negotiating. How so or you learned about your strengths and weaknesses? What are they? Note: I was rich uncle attorney in this case, and I upload the agreements that I reached with my partner. Please, no plagiarism at all. As a reminder, here are the instructions (2-3 pages; double spaced, stapled)