Date: 04/04/2016
Feedback Given By: CivilChick330
Feedback Comment: good job. assignment was wrong initially, but later corrected mistakes.
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: ESSAYSTAR
Total payment made for this project was: $120.00
Project Summary: Review five (5) Teaching Aids from the AISC website and write a four (4) page summary for each Teaching Aid. All five (5) summaries should be compiled and submitted to the professor by 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday March 9, 2016. Final reports will not be returned. Make copies of the section of the report you would like to keep. A hard copy and electronic copy are required. The Internet Project submittal should be bound and include the following items: Cover Page Table of Contents Project Summary Five (5) Four (4) page summary o Minimum of three (3) pages of text per summary o Maximum of four (4) pages of text per summary o Maximum of two (2) pages of photos per report o Maximum font size of 12 o Maximum spacing of 1.5 References/Citations