Date: 05/08/2013
Feedback Given By: dream
Feedback Comment: good work
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: tutor4U_d_971
Total payment made for this project was: $65.00
Project Summary: American experience ;idea of inclusion (no concession) MLA 8-10 PAGES Work cited Outline Rough draft Final draft Sources (Annotated 3-4 lines of each sources) I NEED THEM After TOMORROE 1 book-1 reference -7 Internet sources-3 refereed journal- Series 7 interviews (include in the essay) it doesnt has to be true. (Conduct with anybody, ask the same question (just one) to each person) Use your first and last name (my first name is dream and my last name Alzozoy ), following the name of person being interviewed, date, and time. Sources (Annotated 3-4 lines of each sources) I NEED them after tomorrow.Thank u