Date: 28/03/2016
Feedback Given By: User_7275
Feedback Comment: It was a great experience working with this individual. He works tiredly and is proficient in everything he do.
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: contentwriter
Total payment made for this project was: $350.00
Project Summary: Looking for someone to take a 8 week Introduction to Statistics course. You will have to login and participate and respond to teachers and classmates. Toggle navigation UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND UNIVERSITY COLLEGE ADELPHI SYLLABUS ________________________________________ STAT 200 6960 INTRODUCTION TO STATISTICS (2162) STAT-200 Spring 2016 Section 6960 3 Credits 02/01/2016 to 03/27/2016 ________________________________________ Faculty Contact ________________________________________ Laura Clary [email protected] Course Description ________________________________________ Prerequisite: MATH 103, MATH 106, or MATH 107 (preferably in the last two years). An introduction to statistics. The objective is to assess the validity of statistical conclusions; organize, summarize, interpret, and present data using graphical and tabular representations; and apply principles of inferential statistics. Focus is on selecting and applying appropriate statistical tests and determining reasonable inferences and predictions from a set of data. Topics include methods of sampling; percentiles; concepts of probability; probability distributions; normal, t-, and chi-square distributions; confidence intervals; hypothesis testing of one and two means; proportions; binomial experiments; sample size calculations; correlation; regression; and analysis of variance (ANOVA). Students may receive credit for only one of the following courses: BEHS 202, BEHS 302, BMGT 230, ECON 321, GNST 201, MATH 111, MGMT 316, PSYC 200, SOCY 201, STAT 100, STAT 200, STAT 225, or STAT 230. Course Introduction ________________________________________ In this course, you will develop a basic understanding of descriptive and inferential statistics. STAT 200 provides the quantitative tools for decision-making and develops the ability to interpret statistical results in professional literature as well as the media. This course is intended to accommodate every student who needs an introductory statistics course, regardless of the subject in which one plans to major. Following is a general outline of specific topics you will encounter in this course: o Introduction to Statistical Thinking, Types of Data, and Collection of Sample Data o Methods of Summarizing and Graphing Data o Measures of Center and Variation o Probability, Basic Counting Methods, and Conditional Probability o Discrete Random Variables, the Binomial Distribution o The Normal Distribution o Confidence Interval Estimation o Hypothesis Testing, including z-, t-, and 2 Tests o Correlation and Regression o Goodness of Fit o One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Note: This course is identified as a prerequisite for another course at UMUC. Successful completion of this course is required to advance to the next course in a sequence. A grade of Withdrawal (W), Failure for non-attendance (FN), Failure (F) or Incomplete (I) will not meet a prerequisite requirement. You may be barred from enrolling in or may be removed from courses for which you do not have the necessary prerequisites. Keep track of your progress in this course. If you are uncertain about your standing, consult with your instructor. You should also work with an academic advisor to be sure you are aware of your options and are meeting all necessary program requirements when planning your schedule. Course Outcomes ________________________________________ After completing this course, you should be able to: o distinguish among sampling methods for the collection of data in order to assess the validity of statistical conclusions o organize, summarize, interpret, and present data using graphical and tabular representations o apply basic concepts of probability in order to assess the likelihood of an event o select and apply the statistical test or tests that are most appropriate to analyze a data set o determine reasonable inferences and predictions from a set of data to make appropriate decisions Course Materials ________________________________________ Click to access your course materials information Class Guidelines ________________________________________ Faculty Information To locate information within your LEO classroom, log in and review your faculty members information, which is found in the Start Here section of your classroom after clicking on the Content link. Contacting your Faculty Member Please email [email protected] Within the Content section of your classroom, view the Start Here section or Additional Course Information section within the Syllabus to learn more about contacting your faculty member. Grading Information ________________________________________ Meeting course deadlines is crucial for success in computer-mediated courses. You may read at your own pace, but online participation, homework problems, quizzes, and final exam must adhere to the timetable given in the Course Schedule. The academic schedule in this Syllabus is referenced to Eastern Time Zone (local time at Adelphi, MD). No late online participation, assignments, or makeup for the quizzes and final exam will be accepted. There is one exception: you have one late pass that you can use for turning in one late homework assignment for the course. Please see below for details. You are expected to submit your own work for all assignments, quizzes and final exam. Submitted assignments, quizzes, and final exam that are highly similar in content and presentation will be considered suspect and will be questioned. No credit will be given for plagiarism. Please refer to UMUC Policy on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism (Policy 150.25 - Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism - UMUC). Please visit UMUC's Virtual Academic Integrity Laboratory (VAIL - Home - UMUC) for further information. Guideline for Receiving Tutoring Service We fully appreciate that many of our students may seek tutoring services to supplement our instructional program. However, it should be understood that tutors may not be used to complete any portion of assignments, projects, quizzes, exams and final exam on behalf of our students. Students are expected to submit their own work. Students who are suspected of submitting the work of their tutors will be reported to the Deans Office for potential investigation in accordance to UMUCs academic policy on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism (Policy 150.25 - Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism - UMUC). **If you are to receive tutoring services, please inform your tutor of this expectation and be sure to clarify your tutors role and responsibility to your academic endeavors at UMUC** You are encouraged to harness commonly available technologies (one of six cross-curricular initiatives: Competence in Information Technology) to perform your work. For example, you should be able to write out mathematical equations in MS WORD files using Microsoft Equation 3.0 (which comes with MS WORD) or equivalent or more advanced equation-writer such as MathType. You should also be able to plot line graphs and related statistical diagrams using common graphic packages such as EXCEL, MATLAB, or free web resources. Grading Criteria The course grade will be determined as follows: Online Participation 80 points (10 points weekly) 20% of final course grade Homework Problems 160 points (20 points weekly) 40% of final course grade Three Quizzes 60 points (20 points per quiz) 15% of final course grade Final Exam 100 points 25% of final course grade TOTAL 400 points 100% of final course grade Grading Details The work you are required to do in this course consists of: reading assignments online participations homework problems 3 quizzes final examination Each of these is described below: Weekly Reading Assignments Even though there is no numerical score associated with the weekly reading assignments, it should be understood that how well you do in the course depends heavily on how conscientious you are with the reading assignments. Each week there will be reading assigned from Lane et al. and Illowsky et al. You should also review the Modules (Course Resources) presented in the Course Content area of LEO and read those areas that you feel would be helpful to your understanding. The details of which chapter(s) assigned for which week can be found in the Course Schedule in this syllabus. Online Participation in Weekly Academic Conference Active engagement is an important ingredient in student success in online classes. In particular, online students learn best in small group settings based on findings from institutional research. The weekly online participation is, therefore, structured in study group setting. You will be assigned a small group participation group on February 1, the first day of class. Every week, each group is assigned one problem from one of the texbooks. You will be working with your study group members to solve the assigned question. What I would like to see is that you communicate with each other and help each other out with this material. I am sure some of you feel very confident coming into a Statistics class while others are feeling great anxiety. Please help each other out with encouragement and substantive support whenever possible. In general, I allow the small groups to work out the answers to the problem on your own, but I will check in at the beginning of each week to see if your group is on the right track. I will assist each group as I see necessary to point you in the right direction. For this reason, IT IS IMPORTANT TO START WORKING ON THE PROBLEMS EARLY IN THE WEEK. If I check your group and there is no work posted, I can't comment/assist you with the problem. Participation -- World Wide Web Protocols By registering for a Web-based course, you have made a commitment to participate in your course conferences as well as other online activities. To contact your instructor, use the conferencing software or email links provided, which allow you to communicate with the instructor and your classmates in a virtual classroom 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Please plan to participate regularly. You will note in the grading policy that your online participation counts towards your final grade. You are expected to adhere to the general rules of online etiquette. Weekly Homework Problems In the assignment folder and content area, you are given a list of exercises each week from the textbooks. You are assigned 80 problems throughout the semester, and each problem is worth 2 points. You will not receive full credit if you do not show me that you actually know how to solve the problems. I have left space on your answer sheets so that you can show me your calculations. Homework must be individually completed and represent your own personal work. Neither collaboration nor consultation with others is allowed. I understand that this class is intense and your lives can sometimes "get in the way" of turning assignments in on times. Therefore, I allow ONE "late pass" per class - no questions asked, no excuses needed. You can email me before or after the assignment is due to let me know that you are using your late pass. I will put in a "0" score in the gradebook for you until I receive your late assignment. Although I encourage you to turn in the assignment ASAP, you have until the beginning of Week 8 to turn it in to me. Aside from your one "late pass", homework assignments submitted after the due date are not accepted for any reason, unless you have a serious illness, military exercise/deployment, or religious holiday. In ALL cases I will require documentation. Quizzes Quizzes will be given as indicated in the course schedule. You will be given one week to work on each quiz, and the due dates of the quizzes can be found in the Course Schedule. Quizzes must be individually completed and represent your own personal work. Neither collaboration nor consultation with others is allowed. YOU CANNOT USE YOUR LATE PASS FOR QUIZZES. Final Exam The final exam will become available at 00:01 a.m. EST on March 25, 2016. It is open book exam. The chapters to be covered on the Final Exam are those covered in the Course Schedule. You are required to show your work and calculations, where appropriate, in order to receive full credit. The final exam will be due at 11:59 p.m. EST on March 27, 2016. The Assignment Folder for the Final Exam will be locked right after midnight on March 6, 2016. You have a window of 72 hours to complete and submit the exam. The final exam must be individually completed and represent your own personal work. Neither collaboration nor consultation with others is allowed. The solutions for the final exam will not be posted. The final exam will be given during the final exam week, and you are expected to take the exam as scheduled. In the event of illness or extraordinary circumstances, you must contact your faculty member and provide documentation to request an exception and approval to take a makeup exam. If the request is not approved, the exam grade will be recorded as a zero. The final exam constitutes 25% of the final course grade. Important Grade Information Grade of W In accordance with UMUC Policy 170.71 - Grade of Incomplete and Withdrawal - UMUC, students may withdraw and receive a grade of W by following the procedures detailed at Withdrawals - UMUC. The grade of W appears on the permanent record unless the withdrawal is completed before a course begins. For purposes of academic retention, the grade of W is counted as attempted hours. It is not used in determining grade-point averages. Grade of G In accordance with UMUC Policy 170.71 - Grade of Incomplete and Withdrawal - UMUC, when an allegation of academic dishonesty and/or plagiarism is reported by the faculty under UMUC Policy 150.25 - Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism - UMUC, a grade of G, grade pending, is administratively entered and will remain on a student's record until the process of Policy 150.25 - Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism - UMUC is completed and the final grade for the course is assigned. Grade of FN In accordance with UMUC Policy 205.06 - Calculation Of Grade-Point Average (GPA) for Inclusion on Transcripts and Transcript Requests - UMUC, a grade of FN will be given for a failure in the course because the student has ceased to attend and participate in the first 60% of the semester in course assignments and activities. It is assigned when the student ceases to attend class but has not officially withdrawn. The FN grade is treated as an F in calculating the grade-point average. Grade of I In accordance with UMUC Policy 170.71 - Grade of Incomplete and Withdrawal - UMUC, a grade of Incomplete (I) will be awarded only if you have completed at least 60% of the course material with a passing grade, can present a compelling reason for an extension, and have made the request for an incomplete prior to the end of the semester. The grade of I (Incomplete) is an exceptional mark given only to students whose work in a course has been satisfactory but who for reasons beyond their control have been unable to complete all the requirements of a course. The following criteria must be met: You must have completed the major portion of the work in the course. The work you have already completed must be of satisfactory quality. You must have requested the grade of I before the end of the course. The guidelines for awarding the grade of I are as follows: The student must ask the instructor for a grade of I. (Teachers cannot award a grade of I on their own initiative.) The instructor decides whether to grant the request. The instructor sets a date, no more than four (4) months after submitting the original grade, for completion of the remaining requirements of the course. The instructor and the student together agree on the remaining requirements of the course and the deadline for submitting the work. The instructor and the student should fill out an Incomplete Contract: Incomplete Agreement Form- Faculty - UMUC, a copy of which should be sent to the Math/Stat Department for record. The student is responsible for completing the work. After the work is completed, the instructor submits a grade change form to replace the grade of I on the student's record with a letter grade. The grade of I cannot be removed by means of credit by examination. The grade of I cannot be replaced by a grade of W (defined above). If the student does not meet the deadline, the grade of I will be converted automatically to a final grade of F. Students who elect to repeat an incomplete course must register again for the course, pay all applicable fees, and retake the course. For purposes of academic retention, your grade is counted as an F. The grade of I is not used in determining grade-point averages. Changes in Grade In accordance with UMUC policy on Procedure for Late Grade Changes - Exams & Testing - Faculty - UMUC, teachers may change a grade previously assigned only by submitting a Grade Adjustment Report, along with a letter giving the reasons for the change. Any change must be made no later than four (4) months after the original grade was awarded. Project Descriptions ________________________________________ There are no projects for this course. Academic Policies ________________________________________ Academic Policies and Guidelines ACADEMIC INTEGRITY As a member of the University of Maryland University College (UMUC) academic community that honors integrity and respect for others you are expected to maintain a high level of personal integrity in your academic work at all times. Your work should be original and must not be reused in other courses. CLASSROOM CIVILITY Students are expected to work together cooperatively, and treat fellow students and faculty with respect, showing professionalism and courtesy in all interactions. Please review the Code of Civility for more guidance on interacting in UMUC classrooms: https://www.umuc.edu/students/support/studentlife/conduct/code.cfm. POLICIES AND PROCEDURES UMUC is committed to ensuring that all individuals are treated equally according to Policy 040.30 Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity, and Sexual Harassment. Students with disabilities who need accommodations in a course are encouraged to contact the Office of Accessibility Services (OAS) at [email protected], or call 800-888-UMUC (8682) or 240-684-2287. The following academic policies and procedures apply to this course and your studies at UMUC. 150.25 Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism UMUC defines academic dishonesty as the failure to maintain academic integrity. All charges of academic dishonesty will be brought in accordance with this Policy. Note: Your instructor may use Turnitin.com, an educational tool that helps identify and prevent plagiarism from Internet resources, by requiring you to submit assignments electronically. To learn more about the tool and options regarding the storage of your assignment in the Turnitin database go to: https://www.umuc.edu/library/libresources/turnitin.cfm. 151.00 Code of Student Conduct 170.40 170.41 170.42 The following policies describe the requirements for the award of each degree: Degree Completion Requirements for the Graduate School Degree Completion Requirements for a Bachelors Degree Degree Completion Requirements for an Associates Degree 170.71 Policy on Grade of Incomplete - The grade of I is exceptional and only considered for students who have completed 60% of their coursework with a grade of B or better for graduate courses or C or better for undergraduate courses and request an I before the end of the term. 170.72 Course Withdrawal Policy - Students must follow drop and withdrawal procedures and deadlines available at https://www.umuc.edu/ under Academic Calendar. 130.80 Procedures for Review of Alleged Arbitrary and Capricious Grading appeals may be made on final course grades as described herein. 205.06 Calculation Of Grade-Point Average (GPA) for Inclusion on Transcripts and Transcript Requests Note: Undergraduate and Graduate Schools have different Grading Policies (i.e. The Graduate School does not award the grade of D). See Course Syllabus for Grading Policies. GRADING According to UMUCs grading policy, the following marks are used: Undergraduate Graduate A 90-100 90-100 B 80-89 80-89 C 70-79 70-79* D 60-69 N/A** F 59 or below 69 or below FN Failure-Non attendance Failure-Non attendance G Grade Pending Grade Pending P Passing Passing S Satisfactory Satisfactory U Unsatisfactory Unsatisfactory I Incomplete Incomplete AU Audit Audit W Withdrew Withdrew * The grade of "B" represents the benchmark for The Graduate School. Students must maintain a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.0 or higher. Classes where final grade of C or F places a student on Academic Probation must be repeated. ** The Graduate School does not award the grade of D. COURSE EVALUATION SURVEY UMUC values its students' feedback. You will be asked to complete an online evaluation toward the end of the term. The primary purpose of this evaluation process is to assess the effectiveness of classroom instruction in order to provide the best learning experience possible and make continuous improvements to every class. Responses are kept confidential. Please take full advantage of this opportunity to provide your feedback. LIBRARY SUPPORT Extensive library resources and services are available online, 24 hours a day, seven days a week at https://www.umuc.edu/library/index.cfm to support you in your studies. The UMUC Library provides research assistance in creating search strategies, selecting relevant databases, and evaluating and citing resources in a variety of formats via its Ask a Librarian service at https://www.umuc.edu/library/libask/index.cfm. LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SUPPORT To successfully navigate the online classroom new students are encouraged to view the Classroom Walkthrough under Help in the upper right menu of the LEO classroom. Those requiring technical assistance can access Help@UMUC Support directly in LEO under the Help menu. Additional technical support is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week via self-help and live chat at https://www.umuc.edu/help or by phone toll-free at 888-360-UMUC (8682). SYLLABUS CHANGES All items on this syllabus are subject to change at the discretion of the Instructor and the Office of Academic Affairs. Class & Assignment Schedule ________________________________________ SESSION TOPICS ASSIGNMENTS DUE DATE Week 1 (February 1 - 7) What is statistics? Types of data and levels of measurements Samplings Data organization Reading: Read Chapter 1 in Lane et al. Read Chapter 1 in Illowsky et al. Online Participation: Participate in Week 1 Discussion with your study group Homework Assignment: Do the 10 problems listed in the Homework Assignment in LEO Discussion Group: Due on Saturday, 11:59 pm ET Problem Sets: Due on Sunday, 11:59 pm ET Week 2 (February 8 - 14) Descriptive statistics Summarizing data Frequency tables Graphs & plots Measures of central tendency Reading: Read Chapters 2 & 3 in Lane et al. Read Chapter 2 in Illowsky et al. Online Participation: Participate in Week 2 Discussionwith your study group Homework Assignment: Do the 10 problems listed in the Homework Assignment in LEO Quiz 1 (covers Week 1 through Week 2 materials) Discussion Group: Due on Saturday, 11:59 pm ET Problem Sets: Due on Sunday, 11:59 pm ET Quiz 1: Due on Sunday, 11:59 pm ET Week 3 (February 15 - 21) Discrete random variables Continuous random variables Probability Reading: Read Chapter 5 in Lane et al. Read Chapters 3 & 4 in Illowsky et al. Online Participation: Participate in Week 3 Discussionwith your study group Homework Assignment: Do the 10 problems listed in the Homework Assignment in LEO Discussion Group: Due on Saturday, 11:59 pm ET Problem Sets: Due on Sunday, 11:59 pm ET Week 4 (February 22 - 28) Normal distribution Central limit theorem Reading: Read Chapter 7 in Lane et al. Read Chapters 6 & 7 in Illowsky et al. Online Participation: Participate in Week 4 Discussionwith your study group Homework Assignment: Do the 10 problems listed in the Homework Assignment in LEO Quiz 2 (covers Week 3 through Week 4 materials) Discussion Group: Due on Saturday, 11:59 pm ET Problem Sets: Due on Sunday, 11:59 pm ET Quiz 2: Due on Sunday, 11:59 pm ET Week 5 (February 29 - March 5) Confidence intervals t distribution Estimation Reading: Read Chapter 10 in Lane et al. Read Chapter 8 in Illowsky et al. Online Participation: Participate in Week 5 Discussionwith your study group Homework Assignment: Do the 10 problems listed in the Homework Assignment in LEO Discussion Group: Due on Saturday, 11:59 pm ET Problem Sets: Due on Sunday, 11:59 pm ET Week 6 (March 7 - 13) Hypothesis testing Type I & Type II errors Power Reading: Read Chapters 11, 12 & 13 in Laneet al. Read Chapters 9 & 10 in Illowsky et al. Online Participation: Participate in Week 6 Discussionwith your study group Homework Assignment: Do the 10 problems listed in the Homework Assignment in LEO Quiz 3 (covers Week 5 through Week 6 materials) Discussion Group: Due on Saturday, 11:59 pm ET Problem Sets: Due on Sunday, 11:59 pm ET Quiz 3: Due on Sunday, 11:59 pm ET Discussion Group: Due on Saturday, 11:59 pm ET Problem Sets: Due on Sunday, 11:59 pm ET Week 7 (March 14 - 20) Chi-square distribution Linear correlation and regression Reading: Read Chapters 14 & 17 in Lane et al. Read Chapters 11 & 12 in Illowskyet al. Online Participation: Participate in Week 7 Discussionwith your study group Homework Assignment: Do the 10 problems listed in the Homework Assignment in LEO Discussion Group: Due on Saturday, 11:59 pm ET Problem Sets: Due on Sunday, 11:59 pm ET Week 8 (March 21 - 27) ANOVA F Distribution Reading: Read Chapter 15 in Lane et al. Read Chapter 13 in Illowsky et al. Online Participation: Participate in Week 8 Discussion with your study group Homework Assignment: Do the 10 problems listed in the Homework Assignment in LEO Final Exam (comprehensive) The final exam is due at midnight, Sunday, March 27 Discussion Group: Due on Saturday, 11:59 pm ET Problem Sets: Due on Sunday, 11:59 pm ET Final Exam: Due on Sunday, 11:59 pm ET