Date: 27/03/2016
Feedback Given By: makokha
Feedback Comment: Great experience.Would appreciate an opportunity to write for you again.
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: makokha
Total payment made for this project was: $15.00
Project Summary: Guidelines Harvard Citations, 7 hours from now The goal of this assessment task is to write a short essay (1000 words) presenting an in-depth analysis and discussion of a single ethical issue raised by the exploration of our solar system. You should aim for depth, not breadth. A list of possible topics is not provided there are a wide variety of issues that are suitable. A broad sample of these is easily generated simply by googling phrases such as "ethics and space exploration". Try and identify something that you personally find interesting as long as your essay focuses on a single ethical issue associated with solar-system exploration then the topic should be fine. Feel free to email Mark to sanity-check a proposed topic, otherwise just go for it! As is normal for an essay you are expected to read a variety of sources and produce a synthesis of what you have read. Headings and detailed referencing are not required (nay, frowned upon), although you should directly reference quoted material and refer to sources where you are closely following an argument; you should list all of your sources in a bibliography at the end of your essay. The bibliography does not count towards the word limit. Marking will based on the following, equally-weighted criteria: 1. Does the essay address an appropriate topic in depth? 2. Is adequate context provided? 3. Does the overall structure contribute to explaining the issues to the naive (but intelligent) reader? 4. Is the information presented at an appropriate level and in appropriate detail? 5. Is there evidence of the synthesis of information drawn from a variety of sources as well as intellectual input from the writer?