Date: 22/03/2016
Feedback Given By: User_4704
Feedback Comment: Assignment completed on time
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: Essaymasters
Total payment made for this project was: $15.00
Project Summary: Course Description :This course promotes student integration and application of the core business concepts and managerial perspectives highlighted in earlier MBA classes. The student-selected capstone project challenges the student to analyze a given problem or opportunity using the various quantitative and qualitative tools explored in the courses leading up to this summative learning experience. Based upon analysis of the presenting strategic problem or opportunity, students then forward recommendations to address this problem or opportunity. Here particular emphasis is given to optimizing plans and leadership approaches that promote successful implementation of student recommendations within the specific organizational context they have chosen for the assignment. Typically, students pick a challenge or opportunity within their existing work organization or industry of interest. Entrepreneurial projects are also feasible. Please review this high level overview of the various phases of your capstone project. In future modules, each of these areas will be more fully explicated. Our purpose here is to give you a feel for how the capstone process is structured over the course of 10 weeks. Project topic selection (Module 1 & 2) One of your first tasks will be to clarify your project focus. In picking a project topic, try to select projects that optimize your learning in areas that you believe are important in your career goals. Project contexts include Not-for-profits, large corporate strategic business units or departments, smaller entrepreneurial organizations, international joint ventures or new product/service ventures etc. See guidelines in the next section for specific information on selecting your project focus. Sponsor contracting (For projects engaging client organizations) - Module 1 & 2) This step applies to those projects where you will be working with an actual sponsoring organization versus conducting a more literature based or pro-forma analysis (e.g. development of new business model) or analyzing other strategic issues that are not studied within the context of a single client organization (exploring a selected strategic issue like sustainability etc). If your project involves interfacing with a real client, the you should verify the commitment of the client to the project. Specifics of this contracting process are discussed in a later section of the handbook. Work to be completed below. Discussion just discuss choosing a topic and activities to do so . Only need about 250 word See below: DISCUSSION Summarize your activity for this week and pose any questions for your faculty member and/or describe any 'road blocks' you are facing at this time. ASSIGNMENT