Date: 28/02/2016
Feedback Given By: User_8523
Feedback Comment: Delivered early and met all requirements. I was very satisfied.
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: committedwriter
Total payment made for this project was: $25.00
Project Summary: Science Project Identify and describe the steps to the scientific method Follow the steps in the scientific method to complete a scientific inquiry -Visit the following website, and find a science project that you can do at home. Make sure your parents approve the project. http://www.sciencefairadventure.com/EnvironmentalScience.aspx -Using the format below, submit a report on your findings! -QUESTION or PROBLEM: What do I want to find out by doing this experiment? -PREDICTION or HYPOTHESIS: What I guess will happen when I do this experiment. Doing what will cause what else to happen? -MATERIALS: What things I need to get together first, and what they might cost. -STEPS or PROCEDURES: The order of steps I plans to take. -WHAT I SAW HAPPEN or OBSERVATIONS: Tell what happened as you did the experiment. -WHAT I LEARNED or MY CONCLUSIONS: Was my prediction correct or not? If not, why?