Date: 27/02/2016
Feedback Given By: User_7978
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Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: committedwriter
Total payment made for this project was: $25.00
Project Summary: Assignment: EMS Organizations across the country are required to comply with numerous Federal, State and Local Laws and Regulations. Each member of an EMS organizations leadership team must have specific knowledge of the role they play to assure the organization and its staff operates in compliance with all specific Federal, State and Local Statutes (laws), Regulations and Ordinances.Key Regulatory Agencies at the Federal and State level with authority to regulate EMS include the following:Federal and State Department of LaborFederalDepartment ofHealth and Human ServicesFederal Center forMedicare and Medicaid ServicesFederal and State Occupational Health andSafety AdministrationFederaland StateInternal Revenue ServicesDepartment of Public Health-Office of Emergency Medical ServicesFederal Trade CommissionFederal Department of TransportationDevelop a memorandum (written paper) that addresses the following topics:1.Choose (1) of the eight(8)identified Federal/State Regulatoryagencieslisted aboutand define their specific regulatoryroleand oversight of Emergency Medical Service Organizations.In other words what rules did the specific agency develop that dictates howand EMS organization must operate.2.Define HIPAA and provide examples of HIPAA violations and the steps servicestake to prevent HIPAA violations.Instructions:1.Requires the student to reach various EMS responsibilities aligned with various Federal or State Agencies with regulatoryauthority over Emergency Medical Services.2.Requires a direct answer to each questionposed along with fact/opinions supporting each answer. Each response shall be no more than 4type written pages per question. 3.The student will cite/list any articles, books, trade journals they reviewed in preparing the answers to each question inclusive of the journal, source, author,and pagenumbers.