Date: 26/02/2016
Feedback Given By: User_8828
Feedback Comment:
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: ESSAYSTAR
Total payment made for this project was: $20.00
Project Summary: Hello, I need an essay and most be 500-600 words and 2-3 pages and make sure is simple as high school and with basic words. DUE: Thursday, February 25th (papers received after this date will be subject to a 10 point reduction for each day it is late) 20% of final grade Paper must be submitted through Blackboard Must be typed, double-spaced, 1 margins, Times New Roman font size 12 Minimum of three pages Wellness is defined as the integration of many different components (physical, mental, social, emotional, occupational, and environmental). At the beginning of the semester, you identified a health-related behavior you wished to change (labs 2B and 2C). Using the behavior you identified, write a behavior modification plan to improve from your current state. Introduction: briefly describe the current behavior (at the beginning of the semester) and explain why you wish to make a change. Discuss the stage of change: which stage did you identify with in Lab 2B, what stage have you moved to now, and where do you see yourself in 6 months from now. Describe your motivation to make this behavioral change. How will you stay motivated moving forward? Explain the environmental influences that may affect your behavioral modification. What barriers/obstacles may you face when making a behavioral change? Be sure to reference the Process of Change model and personalize it to your plan.