Date: 26/02/2016
Feedback Given By: User_8790
Feedback Comment: Great job. Finished project early. Highly recommend.
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: committedwriter
Total payment made for this project was: $30.00
Project Summary: For Committedwriter Select 5 of the following 9 questions (20% each). Each question requires a minimum of 8 complete sentences (a minimum of 2 paragraphs). Your grade depends on the quality and completeness of each answer. Students must work independently and provide their own answers in their own words. Facts and figures should be cited. 1. What is the best way of explaining the role of cost drivers in managing a firms finances? 2. How has technology affected inventory strategies for manufactured goods since 2005? 3. When some companies practice predatory pricing, how does this harm the market overall? 4. What role does inflation play in managing shareholders expectations? Give a high rate and a low rate of inflation example. 5. Cite a useful example of weighted average costing in regards to managing a large capital investment of at least $100 million. 6. If the U.S. legal system adopted a codified system for corporate law, how would this affect purchasing and investment strategies? 7. How can computer simulation models help develop and manage a firms production costs? Cite an example. 8. Pricing strategies are deeply influenced by local market conditions. Explain why this happens. 9. How does market share affect a firms budgeting? Compare budgeting efforts with long and short term goals?