Project Summary: you must complete assignment at a facility that offers community outreach programs/ domestic violence. You can complete the assignment using either or , or both but it must be a facility that would allow you to volunteer in more than one way ex: united way. Due to me already notifying the instructor that I would complete this assignment at the YWCA domestic violence center and stating that I would volunteer in there Domestic violence shelter and or other outreach programs and services that they provide the facility you choose must be reflective of such.For the recovery meeting assignment you will first choose a type of recovery meeting, whether that be AA or NA, etc. Once you have chosen a type of meeting you will choose a meeting location. Perhaps the meetings occur at a church or a clubhouse. For example there is an AA clubhouse building here in Evansville called "C&L". At C&L they have several different AA meetings throughout the day, some at 8 AM, noon, 6 PM etc. So you will choose a type of recovery meeting and a location. You will then attend all 3 of your meetings there. If you go to the Monday noon meeting at C&L, that doesn't mean that you can only go to the Monday noon meeting (you could attend on another day and at another time), but you would go to all your meetings there. So you won't choose AA and go to 3 different meeting locations, or choose 3 different types of recovery groups. Also these are community-based open 12-step meetings. These are not therapy groups as part of services at a treatment center. I have had people in the past mistakenly contact treatment centers and ask to sit in on therapy groups-no. You will write a paper based off of your experience attending the meetings. The content areas are specified in the directions. I suggest making some notes about your thoughts, feelings and experiences either before or after the meeting, but not to take a notebook into the meeting. This is not a `journal`, just something you might do to remember and record your thoughts to later help in your paper