Project Summary: Continue Working on Mini-Project In Week 6, you began working on a data collection Mini-Project that will prepare you for your Qualitative Research Plan (Final Project). This week, you will analyze the data generated from the pilot of your data collection tool. To prepare for this Application: What data analysis strategy or strategies are the most appropriate for your research questions and data? To what extent are you "fracturing" the data, and to what extent are you connecting it, as described in Qualitative Research Design: An Interactive Approach, pp. 97103? How can you ensure you are aligning your research questions with the appropriate analysis strategy? The assignment: QUESTION: In 1 to 2 pages, explain what data analysis strategy or strategies was/were the most appropriate for your research questions and data. THIS IS A CONTINUATION OF THE ASSIGNMENT YOU COMPLETED A COUPLE OF WEEKS AGO. PLEASE SEE THE ASSIGNMENT YOU COMPLETED TWO WEEKS AGO BELOW: Begin Data Collection Mini-Project At the end of this course, you will submit a Qualitative Research Plan incorporating the skills and techniques you have learned. In order to help you prepare for this research plan, you will first complete a data collection Mini-Project that you will submit in Week 9. This week, you will begin your Mini-Project by developing an appropriate data collection tool. You will test your data collection tool and provide interview questions and field notes. To prepare for this Application: Based on the research questions for the qualitative research plan for this course, develop an appropriate data collection tool and find 3-5 participants in class, if possible, or from the list of students in other current advanced qualitative research courses, who you can interview in order to test the tool. The advanced qualitative research course student list was posted in the announcements during week 2 and encompasses students from across the University currently taking the course. Before you test it, predict what patterns and themes you expect to emerge from the collected data. On what do you base your predictions? The assignment: Provide the interview questions and protocol. Provide field notes for each interview. In 3 to 5 pages: o Summarize the responses to the questions. o Analyze the responses. Is this the information you were hoping to generate from the questions? If you are not getting the data you want, what needs to change? o Evaluate the overall effectiveness of the interview questions and protocol you developed. Where can the questions or protocol be improved? THE ANSWER I UPLOADED. PLEASE USE THIS ANSWER AS A GUIDE TO THE ABOVE ASSIGNMENT Data Collection Mini Project Student Name University Name 06th January, 2016 Instructions Good afternoon, welcome to this forum, my name is Charles. I would like to thank each and every one of you for showing up. This activity will take place in two parts. The initial part I will be asking you questions on the issue of gun violence and your experiences of it. This will be for understanding of your perceptions and views on the subject matter. The second one, I will offer you some papers and pencils where you will fill in or tick the options that you will be provided with. But before we get there I will have given you some more instructions on how to go about it. Recording Instructions While I will be conducting the oral interview I will request you to allow to do some record the conversations that will be having. The main reasons I will be doing so is to allow me capture all the details as well as enabling me to pay more attention to you. Please note that all the conversation that we will be holding in between these four walls will remain confidential. The report that I will be compiling will have everyones opinions but will contain any single reference to anyone. It is also good to note that the report will be treated as a group report and a representative of the citizens of this nation. I will adhere to all the research ethics and guidelines in order to ensure that your well being is safeguarded. Consent Forms I would like to ask you to sign the consent forms in order to confirm to the agreeing of the terms as they have been explained and agreed. After you are done with the signing, please handover the forms to me. Then Press the recording button in order to start the recording. Research Questions Would you be for or against stricter gun regulation laws? Please provide an explanation. Currently there is a debate on whether more background checks should be carried out, irrespective of whether one is buying the gun in a store or doing an online shopping. Please advice, are for or against this idea? When it comes to the presidents position on gun violence, do you feel as if has he taken enough measures to curb gun related violence or he has not done the right thing to change the current gun control laws? Yesterday the president, Barrack Obama issued some executive orders on how well to curb the vice, what is your position on that? What difference do you think it will bring? Are you in support of a complete ban of armed weapons? Do you think the country would be safer if all the persons owned and carried guns or didnt? Do you as a person own a gun or know of someone in your house who owns a gun? What prompted you to acquire the gun? Have you ever experienced an act of gun related violence or know of someone who has? How did it unfold? How vigilant are you when it comes to mass shooting? Are less Vigilant, just vigilant, dont care, or more vigilant? When it comes to comparing terrorism and gun violence, are you more scared that you or someone whom you are related to would be a victim of gun violence or terrorism? Which worries you much, and why? As a result to fight terrorism, do you think we should have stricter gun control laws or we need to encourage citizens to be carrying more weapons? Responses There is a lot of awareness on gun related violence. There is a major rift between those in support of stricter gun laws and those whom are not. Another major point to note is that those who have experienced or have known someone who has been a victim of gun related violence are overwhelmingly in support of stricter gun laws. This has also been reflected in those states that have experienced gun violence. It is important to note that individuals are more concerned on the behavior of people when they get hold of the guns. Another observation that was made is that there is fear that as gun violence continues people might start viewing it as if it is the norm in their lives which may by the end of the day have a catastrophic effect. There is an increased fear of a gun violence act as compared to an act of terrorism (Kimmel 2007). Interview is one of the critical tools that can be used in qualitative research. This tool enables me to have a direct interaction with the population who happen to suffer from the effects of gun related violence. I was able to complete the interview based on how the participants were responding. This is a critical primary source of information. This tool of data collection is cheaper as compared to the source of information. One is able to direct the flow of information based on the feedback received from the respondents. This will even offer additional information as well as other areas that could have been left out during the planning stage. Apart from using interview as a tool of research, it would be important to use other tools. The main reason behind using these other tools is also to capture outlier events related to gun violence (Wengraf 2001). References Wengraf, T. (2001). Qualitative research interviewing: Biographical narrative and semi-structured methods. Thousand Oaks, Calif: SAGE. Maxwell, J. A. (2007). Qualitative research design: An interactive approach. Thousand Oaks, Calif. [u.a.: Sage. Kimmel, A. J. (2007). Ethical issues in behavioral research: Basic and applied perspectives. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Pub. Bernard, H. R., & Ryan, G. W. (2010). Analyzing qualitative data: Systematic approaches. Los Angeles [Calif.: SAGE. ______________________________________________________________ Introduction Analyzing the data is at the heart of any research study, especially a qualitative one. Although you will follow established procedures for analyzing the data, the codes and themes that emerge while you are analyzing the data will be unique to your study. This week you will plan a strategy for analyzing the data in order to gain the deepest possible understanding of your data. Learning Outcomes By the end of this week, you will be able to: Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of developing a pre-coding structure for qualitative data analysis _____________________________________________________________________________________ Required Resources Course Text: Qualitative Data Analysis: An Expanded Sourcebook o Chapter 4, "Early Steps in Analysis," pp. 55 69 This excerpt from Chapter 4 focuses on codes and coding, including reflective remarks and marginal remarks. Course Text: Patton, M. Q. (2015). Qualitative research & evaluation methods (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. o Chapter 8, "Qualitative Analysis and Interpretation" In this chapter, you will learn about concepts of qualitative analysis and interpretation, including organizing data, computer-assisted data management, logical analysis, interpreting findings, special analytical issues and frameworks, and reporting findings. Course Text: Qualitative Research Design: An Interactive Approach o Chapter 5, "Methods: What Will You Actually Do?", pp. 97 103 This selection from Chapter 5 is a review from Week 5. The reading will help guide you as you continue to work on your Mini-Project, which is due in Week 9. Research Toolkit Handouts o Walden Dissertation Rubric Available from The Dissertation Rubric is a Word document linked in the section for PhD Dissertation Process and Documents. o Walden Qualitative Dissertations This document directs you to dissertations in the Walden Library that use a variety of qualitative approaches and disciplines.