Date: 17/12/2015
Feedback Given By: User_7978
Feedback Comment: thank you so much great job :)
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: committedwriter
Total payment made for this project was: $35.00
Project Summary: SOCI 101: Introduction to Sociology Reflection Consider what we have studied this semester in class and write a 5 page essay that responds to the following questions: 1. Go through course schedule and write just 1 or 2 sentence about what you most remember about each topic. Sociological imagination Sociological theory Research Culture & the media Socialization Groups, Organizations & Networks Deviance & Crime Gender Race Poverty Health & Society Families Education Capitalism & the Economy Authority & the State Religion Science & the Environment Social Change 2. explain how your thinking about these subjects has deepened or changed this semester (Authority & the State, Religion, Science & the Environment.) 3. Identify and describe the three most important ideas or concepts you learned as a result of taking this class. 4. Describe an impact of the class that the rest of the class and I are unlikely to know about. Did any of course concepts influence a conversation outside of class? Were any ideas or skills learned in class applied in another academic context? or in a non-academic context?