Project Summary: Human Rights assignment: (1-2 pages) Briefly describe the basic tenets of utilitarian theory. Then, briefly summarize the three human rights violations you selected. Compare the three violations, and rank them using utilitarian theory. Be sure to explain how you arrived at these rankings (e.g., The greatest number of people would benefit if Violation `A` were resolved, because..., etc.). To prepare for this assignment: Review the article `Interests, Universal and Particular: Bentham's Utilitarian Theory of Value.` Pay particular attention to the definition and description of utilitarian theory. Reflect on recent events in the news chronicling human rights violations in public and nonprofit organizations. Select three specific examples of human rights violations in a public or nonprofit organization (different from the one you selected for your Discussion assignment) that you are aware of from your own experience or from the media. Consider how the resolution of these violations could be ranked according to utilitarian theory.