Date: 12/10/2015
Feedback Given By: User_8025
Feedback Comment: he is the best writer i have seen ever on Quality and timing
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: ESSAYSTAR
Total payment made for this project was: $140.00
Project Summary: this is a take-home final. please read the instructions carefully. there is a mistake and this is what the professor said about it. "1. someone pointed out that the question about the 4th lateran council & the Jews was there twice - oops. However I will not change it - so if you do the compulsory questions and II.A, you lucked out - just put the same answer in 2ce 2. short answer questions are around 150 words generally speaking; the essay questions are around 750 - 1000 words generally speaking (it works out - do the multiplication" you can choose what questions you want to answer, please let me know what you have chosen. please submit the answers on time. it must be finished at Dec 10 at 6pm Toronto's time