Date: 12/10/2015
Feedback Given By: User_8419
Feedback Comment: thanking you for understanding the assignment and you deep thought.
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: committedwriter
Total payment made for this project was: $50.00
Project Summary: essay of six papers talking about the book (Discover your True North by Bill George). I want you please to make the questions a guide for you when you write the assignment. Please take in the consideration that i am international students studying in the United State and I am a male, twenty one years old i am a senior right now. i do not have a lot of work experience so please be careful when you write about me I have worked one years as a sales man in Ikea. that is all my work experience. do not write the questions in the essay the paragraphs should be clear about what answer you answered. here are the questions. 1. (chapter2). Q#Do you have a fear of failing? Do you fear what other people would think about you if you did? Are you avoiding situations in which there is a risk of failing? How could the experience of failing help you achieve your ultimate goals? 2. (Chapter4).Q# when you face displeasing situations or receive critical feedback from others, how well are able to take in the feedback and respond in a constructive manner without acting defensively? 3. (chapter5)Q#list the ethical boundaries that you will not cross. 4. (chpater8)Q#How do you cope with the seductions and pressures of professional life and still stay focused on your True North? 5. (chapter 11)Q#recall a situation in which you faces conflict between empowering other people and reaching your performance goals. a. How did you resolve the conflict? b. did you give preference to reaching your goals or to your relationships? c.would you act differently in the future when facing a conflict between relationships and performance?