Date: 12/07/2015
Feedback Given By: User_8374
Feedback Comment: Top quality and simply great to work with!
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: Topwrite
Total payment made for this project was: $15.00
Project Summary: Management and the Motivating Organizational Environment Describe at least two motivational strategies you believe would be most effective for employees in the organization, and explain why. Explain how you might apply these strategies in the organization. Discuss your perspective on the differences in motivation between employees of public and private organizations. Then, from the lens of an employee or student of public and nonprofit organizations, explain the intrinsic factors that motivate you to perform at high levels. Finally, as a manager in a public or nonprofit organization with limited financial resources, explain how you might reward, recognize, and support employees to maintain or increase employee motivation. (Resources provided and additional specifics will be sent to assigned.)