Project Summary: LITERATURE 201 Assignment Essay Instructions This essay should be a 700-900 word essay focusing on the assigned readings from the course. This should be aclose reading essay, and should use as evidence primarily passages from the work or works that you discuss.You may not use ANY outside sources without the instructor's approval. The essay should be in MLA essay format (see the attached sample essay below), and use MLA citations. A works cited entry and in-text citations for each text discussed are required. It should have a self-assessment (which should answerthese questions) as the first page. Analytical essays should be focused on making a debatable claim about the work in question; creative essays should be focused on presenting a work or kind of work from a different angle. Informational essays or essays consisting of summary are not appropriate for either type of essay. Both types of essay should be supported with discussion of specific passages from the text(s) on which the essay is focused. The essay grading rubric can be foundhere for the analytical choices, and here for the creative choices. DISCLAIMER: Originality of attachments will be verified by Turnitin. Both you and your instructor will receive the results. Choose 1 of the following topics from either the Analytical or Creative categories. For the analytical choices, be sure to write a thesis-driven essay in response to the topic. Creative choices should be written as narratives. Analytical Choices Tragedy Across the Mediterranean: Consider The Tale of Sohrab from the Shahnameh in comparison to Oedipus Tyrannus from the Week 2 readings. Make an argument about whether the two works are more alike or different and why. Focus your thesis on one particular aspect of the two works such as protagonists, themes, central conflicts, or other another element that you see as important. Please note that you can not use outside sources. You can use them to reference and start the paper but do not mention the outside material in the reading. Just mention the work and write an analytical paper. Please ensure that it is 100% Plagiarism free. Any questions please ensure to let me know me. The model material of how it is suppose to look like will be uploaded as well.