Date: 12/04/2015
Feedback Given By: User_8335
Feedback Comment: Great job, thank you for your help.
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: Essaymasters
Total payment made for this project was: $40.00
Project Summary: REQUIRED EVENT: Carnegie Museum of Art and Natural History. This project is worth 125 points, broken down as follows: 25 points for attendance PLUS: 90 points for the content and organization of your paper. 5 points for following ALL criteria including inclusion of picture (#3 below) and layout of paper (see #1 below). 5 points for the mechanics such as grammar, punctuation, and syntax as well as following The instructions for the layout of the paper as follows: 1. The paper is to be at least 3 full pages (Not counting bibliography), 1.5 spacing, 11 pt. Times New Roman font, 1 inch margins at top, bottom and sides, and justified side margins. Failure to follow any of the layout criteria will result in an automatic loss of 5 points. You will turn in both a hard copy and a copy through Safe Assign. 2. You may use APA style. 3. After the 3 full pages of text, page 4 will be a picture of the work you have chosen. 4. Page 5 will be the Bibliography or Works Cited page. In addition to other sources, you must have at least 4 academic sources, at least 2 of which must be scholarly or peer-reviewed sources. You may not use Wikipedia for anything other than pictures. Whether you are discussing a painting, sculpture, or any other piece of art, you are to follow the criteria used whenever one critiques a work of art. You will give 1. the biographical information (title, artist, date, country). (2 points) 2. description with enough detail to create a clear verbal picture of what you have chosen. (8 points) 3. historical context. This is where the majority of your research will lie. (40 points) You must give A. info about the artist (short bio that includes info about h/his other work) (10 points) B. information about significant historical events or context in which the work was created that is relevant to the particular art movement and/or the art itself, (20 points) C. the style of painting/sculpture or movement that your chosen piece is representative of, (5 points) D. the characteristics the piece has that are representative of that style or movement, (5 points) 4. analysis of the work. This, as you know, is the discussion of the various elements of the work itself. (20 points) 5. your interpretation. (10 points) Your interpretation/argument must be supported by the facts that you included earlier in the paper. 6. value.(5 points) This will include the importance or value of the work when it was first created as well as now with supporting detail. 7. your personal opinion of the piece and why. 8. your opinion of the museum experience as a whole. NOTE: # 7 and 8 together are worth 5 points.