Date: 12/01/2015
Feedback Given By: User_3972
Feedback Comment: As always. Contentwritter does a great job!!! He pretty much has helped me in my entire semester.
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: contentwriter
Total payment made for this project was: $60.00
Project Summary: Paper on Campus Security Attached is a proposal with the ideas I have for the paper. I got an A on that assignment so he's a pretty chill marker. This is the criteria: Title Page Transmittal Letter (1 page) Executive Summary (1 page) Table of Contents THE BODY OF THE PAPER (9 pages) Intro (1/2 page) example in text page 78-80 Background (1/2 page) Needs Statement (2 pages) Goals/Objectives (1/2 page) example in text page 89-90 Methods Budget Evaluation example in text page 89-90 Conclusion (1 page) References I guess I'm asking the school for a grant to implement all this extra security stuff. There is a good grant proposal in the text book and it covers all of these sections on page 177-183. I don't need to do citations so if you find like information about the budgeting you don't need to include citations - just add the website in the references page. Here's the link to the textbook: http://dl1.cuni.cz/pluginfile.php/247085/mod_resource/content/1/Grant%20Proposal%20Makeover_2_2_2_2.pdf And then paste any websites you used on a separate sheet Let me know if you need anymore information.