Date: 11/08/2015
Feedback Given By: User_7003
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Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: expert4u
Total payment made for this project was: $12.00
Project Summary: Choose one of the following topics and write a short essay (350-550 words). Strive for clarity, depth of thought, and -- above all else -- brevity. Try to make two or three good points on your topic with supporting evidence. You do not have to write much, but make what you write say something important or interesting! Use this assignment as an opportunity to explore the humanities and deepen your understanding of the material. Topics 1. Compare Platos description of the death of Socrates to the painting by David of the Death of Socrates. Is Davids painting faithful to Platos description? If you were going to paint the scene, what would you change? Explain why. 2. In what ways does the Greek concept of the tragic flaw contradict the Classical ideal? 3. Investigate Raphaels fresco The School of Athens, which depicts the major figures in Greek philosophy. Identify each figure and explain why each is included in the scene. Then explain how the gestures of each figure offer clues to this identity. 4. Explore the reasons why the architects of the Parthenon chose to incorporate optical corrections in the design of the Parthenon. 5. Rewrite a scene from Aristophanes Lysistrata as if it took place today. If you were casting your version as a Hollywood film, what actors would you select to play each part? Explain. 6. Explain the meanings conveyed by the subjects of the sculptures on the Parthenon. Consider the metopes, ionic frieze, and pediments. 7. What are the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World? Why is each a wonder? What does each represent?