Date: 28/10/2015
Feedback Given By: User_7275
Feedback Comment: This individual is dependable and completed all assignments ahead of time. I definitely recommend him.
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: phoniextutor
Total payment made for this project was: $300.00
Project Summary: I do have two short assignments due this evening. Looking for someone to deliver Looking for someone to take WRTG 391 6960 Advanced Writing. The course will open formally on 9/7 and end 11/1/15 Its objectives are two-fold: critical analysis of scholarly sources and effective integration of source material into a complex argument. If you plan to conduct research, write an academic or a scientific monograph, or write a thesis or a book, this course is for you. Objectives: After completing this course, students should be able to acquire the following skills: (1) locate, organize, and evaluate diverse sources in order to critique current research and determine gaps in a research problem; (2) apply the writing and research process to critically analyze scholarship in a field of study; (3) integrate appropriate sources to construct unified, coherent, and well-supported paragraphs within complex arguments; (4) demonstrate accurate grammar mechanics and documentation style in writing. What can you do before the class starts? You should carefully read, review and perhaps respond to material in the SPOTLIGHT conference that offers you examples assignments in this course, along with my comments. These examples are posted to familiarize you with what you will be expected to accomplish. You can begin planning and even working ahead, reading the assigned materials, listening to podcasts, and drafting assignments. Content modules should be accessible. 1. Participation is essential to the success of this course. We should be "listening" and learning from one another. This is why in order to get full credit [quantitatively 90] for class participation in the 7th week, you are expected to make constructive comments [online minimum 400 words per week] in Discussion Conferences. You should respond to at least two questions and two students per week. You can pick and choose, and respond to what strikes your fancy, inspires you, or requires clarification. But you should develop your thoughts fully and make valuable contribution to the course. Quality response counts and can significantly affect your grade. Quality points will be considered for extra credit when your participation substantially exceeds minimum weekly requirements. It is better to answer one or two questions in depth and provide some useful informational detail or insight, than to try to do everything and be vague. Regurgitating what someone else has already said is not constructive. You should document your responses with sources in the reading; useful, relevant web finds about research or writing, are also welcome. 2. Assignments include a critique, a critical annotated bibliography, a literature review, and a statement of proposed research identifying gaps and niches. The initial drafts of the assignment should be posted early, a week before the final due date in the calendar. The dates in the calendar represent final submission of the assignments. They should be posted before 12 midnight EST. It takes usually about a week to provide you with feedback so the sooner you get the draft the better the response. Much depends on you. Attention: While you will have the opportunity to revise, drafts of assignments submitted should be as complete and as edited as possible so that you can benefit from response. You should post all drafts in the Assignments Area unless otherwise specified, as in the final assignments [for class comments]. You should not email drafts for record-keeping and credit.