Date: 25/10/2015
Feedback Given By: nonameatall
Feedback Comment: Great job in time, excellent!!
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: contentwriter
Total payment made for this project was: $30.00
Project Summary: write an analysis Pick out a select number of sectors (ex 2 or 3) and write a paragraph on each. How you choose sectors in up to you. You can either look at the ones that were discussed in your economic profile, or ones discussed in the LQ assignment, or ones that stood out after doing the SS calculations. Once you pick a sector, I would write a sentence describing the observation. Then I would write another sentence interpreting its meaning. Finally, I would spend a sentence or three hypothesizing what could explain your observation. Repeat the exercise for the other sectors chosen. This is roughly how scientific inquiry works. You either want to test an idea from the literature (i.e. what others are saying about the region, such as in your profile) or start from empirical observations (the LQ and SS calculations) and then develop hypotheses that could explain what you observe. I've fabricated the argument below, but hopefully it helps you construct your argumentation. And in terms of hypothesis, you need not have the right answer, but the more educated the guess the better (i.e. fairies spreading fairy dust over your sector will not be a convincing explanation behind its growth or decline, so try tying it to growing export markets somewhere, currency echange values, key assets and other plausible explanations)