Date: 17/10/2015
Feedback Given By: User_5991
Feedback Comment:
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: contentwriter
Total payment made for this project was: $15.00
Project Summary: Final Essay is due, please submit it here: For your essay, write a literary analysis on any of the course readings. Come up with a thesis statement or question and support/answer it in a 3-4 paged, double-spaced, typed essay. Use specific examples from the text(s) to support your answers. Utilize proper MLA in-text citation and documentation guidelines. After the second week of classes please email me your essay idea, you must first present it to me for approval before beginning. Qualities of an Excellent Paper Title: brief yet illuminating, relevant, tone in keeping with the rest of the paper Introduction: identifies topic states thesis to the point includes a direct reference to title and author invites reading appropriate tone to purpose Thesis significant clearly stated and precise limited debatable Body Paragraphs main points clearly stated smooth and logical transitions between and within paragraphs general point made specific through reference to text quotations smoothly incorporated and thoroughly analyzed, showing relevance to and support for main points concluding sentence ties to thesis Conclusion grows naturally from preceding paragraphs explains significance of thesis provides a sense of completion Organization ideas developed in proportion to their significance logical and climactic arrangement of paragraphs order is appropriate to thesis Content unpretentious definite, focused, cohesive shows that writer has given careful thought to the topic well-nourished with specific supports relies on careful analysis of text developed through specific details and mature interpretations shows independent thinking, unusual insights or perspective Control of Written Language fluent expression sentences controlled for rhetorical purposes each sentence has a logical relationship to surrounding sentences and fits smoothly into its context variety of sentence lengths and patterns precise and fresh word choice natural and appropriate diction level meaning emphasized through creative effects [use of figurative language, sonic devices, parallel structure, etc.] when useful and appropriate uses present tense Conventions no errors in mechanics and usage Format typed [double-spaced] in-text citations follow MLA format