Date: 27/09/2015
Feedback Given By: User_4818
Feedback Comment: Great
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: expert4u
Total payment made for this project was: $15.00
Project Summary: Choose JUST ONE of the Primary Source Documents available for this Session and address the specific prompt that relates to it in great detail with specific examples. English Bill of Rights 1689 Discuss the events around the English Bill of Rights and relate why this document has an impact, or does not have an impact, on the American Colonies. Describe the influence of the Magna Charta this document and how subsequent documents were impacted by the English Bill of Rights 1689. The Settlement Of Jamestown - 1607 by Captain John Smith How does Smith characterize the colonizing effort and why does he so characterize the effort to settle Jamestown? What was the most difficult challenge faced by the colonists who established Jamestown? How was this most difficult challenge affected by other demands and challenges that confronted the first English to establish a permanent settlement in North America? The Mayflower Compact by William Bradford November 11, 1620 (To be addressed in conjunction with reading The Settlement of Jamestown. It is not necessary that you address the other questions regarding Jamestown in addition to this prompt.) How would the Jamestown Colony have been affected, or not, if the initial settlers of that colony had adopted a document such as the Mayflower Compact prior to their landfall in Virginia? Be very detailed and address specific instances that would have been handled differently or would have had different outcomes had this document adopted by the Pilgrims been in effect at Jamestown. How the Pilgrims Lived by Governor Edward Winslow 1621 Analyze the letter sent by Gov. Winslow and address the following questions in great detail with specific examples: What are the issues of main that the governor writes about in this report? Is this letter a positive or negative report and for whom do you suppose this report was written? What are the reasons that Winslow would report in the manner that he does? What information is missing from this report? What is the reason that Winslow gives such detailed instructions in this communication and who are those instructions directed to? What are the events that Winslow hopes to influence in the future by this report? John Winthrop, A Modell of Christian Charity (1630) Describe in detail why God has created the different conditions of mankind according to John Winthrop and how does this introduction relate to the theme of this message? What is Winthrop's message and how does his position in the colony influence his decision to issue such a statement? What sort of effect do you think this message had on those to whom it was intended? What lasting effect did this message have? How is the famous statement that was a part of this message interpreted today and does it hold the same meaning today that it did for the people of New England when originally given?