Date: 22/08/2012
Feedback Given By: navigill
Feedback Comment: Thank you so much for your help...
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: Homework_Nerd
Total payment made for this project was: $50.00
Project Summary: The purpose of this application project is to analyze and discuss the American family from a sociological viewpoint. You may either choose to analyze a television show/movie on the American family or to conduct an interview with an individual. If you choose to conduct an interview please review "Asking Questions: Survey Research" located in chapter one of Society: The Basics. If you choose to analyze a television show/movie, remember that this is not a plot summary of the show, but rather an analysis of how this show portrays changes within the American family. If you decide to conduct an interview, you must list at least five interview questions, with the person’s response. Either choice requires substantiating concepts and theories from the text and other academic sources. Both choices require that you explore and analyze problems in family life and describe how families have changed. You may do this by utilizing research from the chapter Family and Religion in Society: The Basics and research from the South Online Library. Topics you may address include: transitions and problems in family life; stages of family life; and alternative family forms. Information which must be included in your application project: A summary of your data – either gained from the interview or from the movie or television show. An analysis of your findings utilizing sociological theories and concepts regarding either problems in family life or describing how families have changed. An introduction with a thesis, conclusion that reviews all main points you present, and integration of your personal views on the topic. Remember to use APA format for the essay style as well as in-text citations and when listing the references. Submit your 2–5 page essay (maximum 12 pt. font) describing your application project and your findings by Tuesday, August 21, 2012 to this Discussion Area.