Date: 24/08/2015
Feedback Given By: User_7083
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Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: ESSAYSTAR
Total payment made for this project was: $65.00
Project Summary: Final Research Paper Format In this paper, as in the real world, you can make any assumptions, but they should make business sense. Clearly indicate all major assumptions, especially if they affect decision-making, the implementation approach, or the selection of architecture and tools. 1.Type the paper using a MS WORD word processing program and the following guidelines: 2.Use 1.5 line spacing. 3.Use 12 point, Times New Roman font. 4.The body of the paper should be 8 to 10 pages in length. 5.Follow the APA writing style guidelines for term papers. Include a cover page, objectives, conclusion, references, bibliography, etc. as required for the writing style you selected. Be sure to properly cite any material you quote, paraphrase, or summarize from one of your sources.