Date: 08/11/2015
Feedback Given By: banknot
Feedback Comment:
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: committedwriter
Total payment made for this project was: $35.00
Project Summary: actually this assigment a little bit different there are two queston you need to answer them in two different essay and eah one is one page and a have as usuall. 1."dulce et decorum est" "disabled by wilfred owen" and "death of the ball turret gunner" and "the man he kiled"--are these poem anti-war poem? 2.."dulce et decorum est" "disabled by wilfred owen" and "death of the ball turret gunner" and "the man he kiled"- how do these poems help us understand why young men join the militart? ###needed in14 hours ###mla style