Date: 28/06/2015
Feedback Given By: User_4735
Feedback Comment:
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: phoniextutor
Total payment made for this project was: $30.00
Project Summary: The topic I am choosing is going to be Binge-Eating. You will need to explore only one aspect related to the topic which is: -There is a strong association between binge eating and genetics- "A thesis is a paper in which you introduce a point of view and provide support for your arguments. The goal of a thesis paper is to convince the reader that your perspective is valid by carefully investigating your topic, presenting the evidence and controversies, and defending your point of view. This type of paper differs from a 'report', because the goal of a report is to provide the reader with information about the topic, rather than convince them of your point of view. I suggest you read the discussion in the ESC Writer's Complex on 'Essay Writing' (while you are in the Writer's Complex, I suggest that you look around - there are tons of REALLY useful information and tools)." 5-6 pages