Date: 26/06/2015
Feedback Given By: User_5698
Feedback Comment: good quality
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: phoniextutor
Total payment made for this project was: $65.00
Project Summary: I have a Strategic Management Report for HTC corporation, please follow this outline: External environment Internal environment Organizational design for an international environment (if applicable) Products and services being offered Information technology and control system The paper has to be about 8 pages in length single space, and please include in text citation and end of page footnote. APA style references . For details read the following explanation for each part: * For the external environment, describe and analyse how the macro external issues impact the company, using the external sectors we looked at in class. DO NOT use a SWOT analysis to describe the external or the internal environment. * For the internal environment, determine if the company has any distinct competencies that could be exploited to gain and sustain a competitive advantage. What is the company good at? What is the company not particularly good at? * For the international environment, if the company has international operations, how does it run those international operations? Does head office make all the decisions, and the international parts of the company are just treated like branch offices? Or do the international operations have a fair degree of autonomy in running their operations? Are the international operations stand-alone profit centres? * For the products and services section, briefly outline the products, services, brands, etc. sold by the company. * For the information and control systems section, outline what the company is doing with IT in the company. How do they control inventory levels? Do they have a CIO? What security measures have they taken to protect both company and customer data? Are they using enterprise management software? How does IT impact the decision-making within the company?