Date: 24/06/2015
Feedback Given By: banknot
Feedback Comment: first he did not follow the instuctions however responded when ask him quickly good writer
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: contentwriter
Total payment made for this project was: $30.00
Project Summary: i need an essay you shooouuuuuld follow the instruction very carefully other wise im not releasing the payment 1. i upload it reading you must read it and take the resources from it and it should be mla style at least one resource 2. you must use at least five words of the folowing word in the paragraph.... outpace,dwarf, drive up, waranteed, unsustanable,transform,alternative, outweight,lucrative,outwit, embrace 3. you mussssstt use simple english 4. you must finish it within 5 hours and send to me. 5. i will put it 30$ coz i want it urgent other i would have put 20$