Date: 26/05/2015
Feedback Given By: User_7115
Feedback Comment: Not bad, was about an hour late on a time sensitive assignment.
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: committedwriter
Total payment made for this project was: $25.00
Project Summary: I wrote an essay and need someone to proofread it, correct mistakes, fix sentences to make them flow naturally and do a little bit of work on Intro and conclusion as well as fix the paragraphs if they are not flowing too fluently from one to another. It should not take more than an hour to do this. Feel free to cut some redundant sentences and shorten them because I can afford loose about half a page worth of material. The assignment have to be done ASAP, I got until 11:50pm of today to turn it in. ***********AGAIN, I know the page says it is due tomorow, but I need it today, in 3 hors the latest. Again, please try to fix my Intro and conclusion after you are done reading the essay and fix my grammar(I am not a native speaker and do a lot of mistakes in this area) Footnotes and Sources are not done yet but you do not have to worry about them. I will trow extra 5$ bonus if I like what you did.