Date: 24/05/2012
Feedback Given By: lexi24
Feedback Comment: Great Job!!! I got a 100%!!! Thank you for your hard work. You did an amazing job and I was very impressed with the quality of the work!
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: Homework_Nerd
Total payment made for this project was: $100.00
Project Summary: The goal of this project will be to communicate effectively to the reader a model (equation) expressing the number of matches and corresponding size of the square. Specifically, the student will need to describe how many matchsticks it will take to build a 27 by 27 square. (Hint: Start with a few simple examples in order to find a pattern or create a table as found below.) Also, you will need to discover what would be the largest square one can build with 420 matches.