Date: 15/05/2015
Feedback Given By: User_5722
Feedback Comment:
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: IvyleagueGirl
Total payment made for this project was: $175.00
Project Summary: I am going to upload a file that has questions. please follow its instructions. The name of the file is "Probe #2". You should answer just two questions from it and each question should be answered in 2 pages. so, I would like you please to answer Q# 3 and Q# 4. For Q# 3, I am going to upload all the files that you need to answer this question. The files that you need for this question are called "Spivak" and "Coco Fusco Other History". Also, you need to watch a documentary film for the artists Guillerom Gomez Pena and Coco Fusco. This is the link for the film . https://vimeo.com/79363320 For Q# 4, I am also going to upload files that you need to answer this question. The files that you need are "The-God-of-Small-Things" and "mohanram". Finally, one more file that I am going to upload is "Course Description". This file is to give you an idea what is the course is about so you can know what is this assignment is about.