Project Summary: A naturalistic observation is when a researcher watches a subject while the subject is in their own environment. You are the researcher. Watch 5 people while they are in their own environment and communicating with at least one other person. The observation needs to last at least 5 minutes while this person communicates (they don't know you are watching). What you are watching is body language (you don't need to hear the conversation). Can you guess what they are saying? In your observation notes, write down the following information: 1. Approximate age, race, ethnicity, sex, gender, orientation of person communicating. These are your best guess! 2. Location and setting of observation. Date of observation 3. Body language used by the person communicating that you used to determine what you think the conversation was about. Explain Type your notes up for each observation. This can be in bullet or list form as long as it is neat and organized.