Project Summary: American Literature 4 one page essays Authors: Benjamin Franklin; Emerson; Whitman and Dickinson; and Mark Twain. 1 page response for each question What is Franklins main argument in The Way to Wealth? How does Franklin use the maxim to forward his argument? Write a few of your own maxims; be original! How does Emerson define `Man Thinking`? How does his definition of `Man Thinking` follow Transcendentalism? Use quotes from the speech to support your definition. Compare and contrast Whitmans and Dickinsons writing styles. Define their themes (love, nature, death, etc.), forms (blank verse, sonnet, etc.), and literary techniques (metaphor, personification, cataloging, etc.). Mark Twain is famous for using local color and dialect. Explain how he uses the two in Huck Finn. How does the use of these literary techniques create what has been called the classic American novel? One page double space