Date: 16/05/2012
Feedback Given By: HomeworkGirl
Feedback Comment: GREAT work as always!! Thanks!
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: Homework_Nerd
Total payment made for this project was: $150.00
Project Summary: Need lesson plans done! I am attaching the formats that you will need to use. Where it says Standards, you can leave that blank. Assignment 1: Using the principles of best practice recommended by your learning resources as well as insights gained from the lesson that you observed, design an original lesson plan (using the attached “ Lesson Plan Format”) to teach alphabet letters, rhyming, or beginning sounds using a puppet (either made by you or purchased) as an anchor for the lesson. 1. Include one formal assessment component in the lesson plan. 2. Include one informal assessment component in the lesson plan. Note: Create your lesson plan for a specific grade level (K–3) using the attached “ Lesson Plan Format.” Make sure that your lesson plan makes provisions for the needs of diverse learners. ASSIGNMENT 2: Design an original lesson plan (using the attached `Lesson Plan Format`). Include the following: 1. Design an original “Making Words Activity” for elementary-aged students, making sure that you follow all five steps. (See the attached “Making Words Activity” for instructions.) 2. Include a provision for diverse learners in the plan. 3. Include a technology component in the plan. ASSIGNMENT 3: FLUENCY STRATEGIES A. Describe a three-day literacy unit (suggested length of 1 page) to set the context for three lessons that you might teach in the unit. Note: You will not create the lesson plans, but you will describe the learning activities and teaching strategies that would promote fluency in those lessons. B. Design an original lesson activity (using the attached `Lesson Activity Format`) for each of the three lessons in the unit. You will submit three completed lesson activity forms. 1. Discuss the instructional strategies that promote fluency, relating them to the lesson. a. Include a rationale for each instructional fluency strategy. 2. Include one learning activity that develops fluency for each lesson. a. Include the rationale for each learning activity that develops fluency. ASSIGNMENT 4: C. Choose a children’s book that is appropriate for a specific grade level (kindergarten, first, second, or third grade), taking into consideration the specific needs, interests, and reading levels of the students in the class. 1. Justify (suggested length of 1–2 pages) why the children’s book you selected is appropriate for the lesson being taught. D. Using the book you selected as an anchor, design three lesson plans (using the attached “ Lesson Plan Format”) to teach the following reading/literacy skills for a specific grade level, kindergarten, first, second, or third grade: 1. Word recognition, phonics, or concepts of print (your choice) 2. Phonological or phonemic awareness (your choice) 3. Oral reading fluencY E. Incorporate a technology component into the lesson plan for the lesson you will teach. ASSIGNMENT 5: C. Choose at least one children’s book that is appropriate for a specific grade level (fourth, fifth, or sixth grade), taking into consideration the specific needs, interests, and reading levels of the students in the class. You may select more than one book for this task, or you may use the same book for all three of the lessons. 1. Justify (suggested length of 1–2 pages) why your selection of the children’s book(s) is appropriate for the three lessons. D. Using the book(s) you selected as an anchor, design three lesson plans (using the attached “Lesson Plan Format”) to teach the following reading/literacy skills for fourth, fifth, or sixth grade: 1. Vocabulary 2. Critical reading 3. Reading comprehension (including literal, inferential, and evaluative/applied levels) E. Explain how the following components are incorporated into each of your lesson plans: 1. Technology 2. A comprehension monitoring system