Date: 20/04/2015
Feedback Given By: User_6201
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Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: expert4u
Total payment made for this project was: $10.00
Project Summary: The attitudes concerning the use of Marijuana (cannabis) are beginning to change. At one time portrayed as one of the most evil drugs - see Reefer Madness, we are seeing the development of a more tolerant attitude about its use, especially for medical purposes. Several states have recently legalized its sale and use. Federal law still makes it a crime to posses, grow, consume, or transport it. We have yet to see what will happen with this impending clash. This presents an interesting dilemma for many conservatives that advocate a return to states rights and at the same time support strong drug laws. Your assignment: I want you to do some academic research on this topic and see what the current medical, social, economic, and political thinking is on this topic. Is it physically harmful? Is it psychologically harmful in the assumption that it is a "gateway drug?" What are the financial costs of fighting this drug and would would be the financial costs of not fighting it? What would be the legal consequences of stopping the war on this drug? In the end, in your view, what should be the direction that this nation should take on this issue? Should Congress repeal the national law and leave this issue up to the states? Should it only be legal for medical purposes?