Date: 17/04/2015
Feedback Given By: rkns11
Feedback Comment:
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: committedwriter
Total payment made for this project was: $10.00
Project Summary: Psy wk1...... Provide a description of the social change movement that you identified, and briefly describe how it has / is having an impact on yourself, your family, or your community. Also, include comments about how your experience of social change relates to either the Cowen (1991) or the Merton (1936) articles. Typically, a social change movement involves a group of individuals acting together to address a particular social or community issue. Examples of social change movements include: Women's Movement Gay and Lesbian Rights Movement Multicultural / Diversity Movements e.g., Civic Right Movement Children's Rights Movement Battered Women's Movement Sustainability /Environmental Movements Social Welfare Reform Movements Deinstitutionalization Movement As you reflect on your own personal or familial history, think about a significant social change movements that has directly impacted yourself or your family. This social change movement may have occurred before you were born, early in your childhood, or is currently happening. What sparked the movement? How large is the impact? What have been the general reactions to the change?