Date: 13/04/2015
Feedback Given By: rkns11
Feedback Comment: Great writer and makes corrections when needed
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: contentwriter
Total payment made for this project was: $28.00
Project Summary: ANCOVA RESEARCH STUDY: Stalking is a very disruptive and upsetting experience in which someone (the stalker) constantly harasses or obsesses about another person. Stalking can take many forms, from sending intensely disturbing letters to literally following you around in the places where you live and socialize. A psychologist decides to try two different therapies on people who reported a history of stalking and reported currently exhibiting stalking behaviors (25 stalkers in each group; this is the Group variable in the data set Stalker.sav). With those in group one, the psychologist used a cognitive-behavioral approach. With those in the second group, she used a psychodynamic approach. At the end of 3 months, the psychologist asked the clients to report on the number of hours each week they engaged in stalking-type behaviors (this variable is called Stalk2 in the data set). The psychologist understands about covariance and believes that success of the therapy will likely depend on how bad the behavior was to begin with, so she asked the clients to report at their first session the number of hours that the client engaged in stalking-type behaviors (this variable is called Stalk1 in the data set). The assignment: You will use ANCOVA to analyze data from a research study.Following the example in the text outlined on pp. 490493, analyze the effect of the therapies on stalking-type behaviors after therapy ended while controlling for initial number of hours of stalking-type behaviors. Report your findings in APA format according to the guidelines in the PASW Application Assignment Guidelines handout. The final document should be 2-3 pages long.